Me Vacuno Porque...
Antonio Alanis and Dorian Gómez Pestaña, with the support of Black Public Media, are launching a Spanish-language podcast series titled "Me Vacuno Porque…" translated to English as "I Get Vaccinated Because..." The three-episode, 15-minute series is a visually illustrated podcast. The series invites Hispanic/Latino community members working as community health workers and organizers to talk about their decision to get vaccinated in North Carolina, addressing the lasting impact of COVID-19 since it started and their recommendations to continue fostering vaccine equity. These leaders share their perspectives on vaccination, highlighting their contributions during the pandemic and ongoing efforts in the aftermath of COVID-19, shaping a narrative of resilience and unity. Join the conversation as "Me Vacuno Porque..." unfolds, not just as a podcast but as a celebration of strength and community spirit.
Me Vacuno Porque...
Episode 3: A Brighter World
Episode 3: Community members share recommendations to 1) address vaccine distrust and 2) use the lessons that COVID-19 taught them, and how we can learn from these lessons to create more vaccine equity moving forward.
This podcast is produced by Antonio Alanís and Dorian Gomez Pestaña, with generous funding from Black Public Media. Cinematography by Iximché Media, edited by Mateo La Serna, and mixing by Michael A. Betts II, kidSweater Design Group, Ltd.
For episode transcripts and resources on Vaccine Equity: https://www.mevacunoporque.com/
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This project is supported by the National Network to Innovate for COVID-19 and Adult Vaccine Equity (NNICE) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1.76 million with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government